Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.
-George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A general overview....

It has been a week since we’ve been in Haiti, and it feels just as so.  The days, since coming here, have been long; and, there has not yet been a night where we’ve slept without waking numerous times... this is due to the 2 AM dog fights, the 3 AM roosters, and the 4 AM woman singing... Despite these things, Jeremy and I are coming to love Haiti, and most of all, the Haitians that live here.  The people at the base where we live - Terre Noire -  have been so welcoming and genuine, always greeting us with “Bonjour Stacey/Jeremy, Komon ou ye? (How are you?)”. 
Although the President just declared that school would start the second week of October, “Summer School” will start, just as planned on Monday, which will bring the beginning of our responsibilities here.  
Today Jeremy had registration for the adult English classes, which will be held after regular school hours - 2 classes of 40 quickly turned to 3.  How do you turn away people who come to better their future?  In Haiti, English is just that, hope for a way out of such poverty.  
Following supper, we spent a good hour going over different meanings of words with my translator, Garrison.  He speaks very well already, yet is eager to know everything. It was enjoyable just watching how excited he was merely to learn new words!
On Sunday I started my first after-church blood pressure and blood sugar screening at Blanchard, where we live.  I will be alternating this screening between here and Cite Soleil every Sunday.  Once school begins, I will also be the school nurse on alternate days between Blanchard, Cite Soleil, and Ibo Beach - where I have not yet visited.  I am a little nervous having to treat skin diseases that I have not yet seen, but, like I told Garrison, Monday will be a learning experience.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you guys, and so blessed by being able to read what you are doing. You are an inspiration to many and continually in my prayers!
