Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.
-George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Monday, October 10, 2011


Thanksgiving weekend lies heavy in our hearts: the familiar traditions of Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends, followed by pumpkin pie, a chilly evening, and falling yellow leaves....only now a longing memory.
Although the festivities are not present where we are,  I look around and feel an undeniable sense of thankfulness.  While not everyone agrees, Canada has a good government - free from corruption (in the scheme of things), and one that attempts to do good for the country; there is not fear of government killings.  We pay taxes, though with much complaint, they offer us free healthcare, free schooling, paved roads, garbage disposal, and proper sewage....thank God for taxes, truly!
I know this is not true for all Canadians, but I am thankful that I grew up having 3 meals a day, with desert and snacks in between.  I have never had to know the feeling of hunger pains, as some of the children here know all too well.  I grew up in a loving family, free from abuse; while domestic violence runs high here and throughout the world.   The closest I've come to infection and disease is the flu and chickenpox..... while I am frequently treating scabies, ringworm, and other bacterial and fungal infections.
I am grateful that as a child I did have to hide while gangs shoot in the streets "for pleasure"; that I don't fear of being "cursed" by Voodoo practices; that people have opportunity for employment; that my parents took the time to take me to the Dr; that I didn't have to walk in streets, sometimes bare foot, containing animal feces and garbage; that I did not have to search out clean drinking water; that I grew up with my own bedroom with a bed; that the only time power would go out was during a storm or when a fuse blew......
There are so many luxuries that I have grown accustomed to, while the majority of the world goes without them.  I am so thankful that I was born in Canada, as only God has this control.  We, as Canadians, are truly blessed.


  1. Thank you for this post. I am so thankful that I grew up in a comfy-home without the stress and pain that may people have to face. I am also thankful you posted this note so that I could remember to be more thankful for what I have and not so selfish.

  2. Thank you so much for this for this post! A VERY good reminder to read today! And good to remember to pray for people around the World who haven't been blessed like us!

  3. It is true... it is so easy to forget, or not even recognize, the needs of those around us...especially when these aren't our own needs.
