Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.
-George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Thursday, December 22, 2011

In Less Than 24 Hours...

I never really knew what Culture Shock was, I mean, I had an idea, but in all the trips I have been on, I can't say that I have really EXPERIENCED it.  And I didn't think that I would this time either, as I was looking forward so much to friends and family and Canadian norms.  I suppose the shock that I feel comes out in almost a stunned, I don't believe this is real, sort of way.

Things which have been different:

1. Remembering to turn on the hot water to wash my hands… I have failed in this area a number of times so far.
2. Almost forgetting to flush toilet paper.  This is a conscious effort.
3. Feeling the heat on my head as I washed my hair.  This is an amazing feeling!
4. Realizing for the first time that Edmonton has soft water as my hair actually felt silky!
5. Preparing myself for the crazy Christmas traffic, but actually thinking that there doesn't seem to be anyone around.
6. Waking up this morning thinking I was in Haiti, but seeing a bookshelf a knowing I must be somewhere else.
7. Using a blowdryer
8. Using high-speed internet
9. Remembering to say "Hi" "Yes" "Good--bye" "Thank-you", instead of "Bonjour" "Au Revoir " "Oui" "Merci"
10. Enjoying good coffee

Although these differences are mostly luxuries…. we do miss our new family back in Haiti.  The Number 1 luxury that we have experienced thus far is the ability to see, spend time with, and speak to our friends and family here.  We love and cherish all the people who are a part of our lives.  No matter where we are, we will always keep you close to our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy and Stacy - Tara sent me your blog today! I was so glad to see the pictures and to see your updates. I had to stop reading because I didnt want to cry and I am supposed to be working! LOL! I am glad to have met you both and I thank God so much for you two and your sevants' hearts for the people and Haiti and whereever else your travels take you! God bless you both! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Jackie Green
