Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.
-George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Change of Heart

       The last few weeks I have come to realize that Haiti has somehow entangled it's way into my heart.  Within a few weeks of getting here, I had said in a moment of frustration, "I could never live here!"  I don't know if this statement is still true…..   Surprisingly, the longer you live in a place, the more of your life it becomes.  The smells of garbage, smoke, and urine that once haunted me, I seldom think twice about…and sometimes don't even notice.  I have definitely grown accustomed to the sight of garbage and animals everywhere, as well as the random naked body.  I have come to love the people.  I look at the faces of the children and my heart fills with joy and compassion.  It will be heart-wrenching to say good-bye.

       Living within the community in which we work has enabled us to learn the dark secrets of Cite Soleil, deepen our understanding of Voodoo, and expose us to the common superstitions that possess the people who live here.  We have had our hearts broken, as children have revealed their hunger pains to us.  We have learned that much suffering is covered with a smile.  We have gotten over our frustration of our over-protective Haitian friends, as no Haitian trusts another, taught from an early age to look out only for oneself.

       This Haitian experience has changed the hearts of both Jeremy and I in so many ways.  As we look towards the future of new cultures yet to come, I cannot fathom how much more change there will be.  I anticipate each place will bring it's own challenges and growing pains; but, we have seen how much strength and wisdom comes out of those experiences.  I have prayed, and continue to pray that I will be filled with patience and joy, and that I would not look past hidden cultural treasures.  I have learned to slow down and take in the things around me (as anyone who really knows me knows that I do not notice anything. This is due to the distractions and schedules that are always in my mind).

       As I have risen with the sun, and watched the magnificent colours of each day, I have realized that each day brings with it another chance: a chance to allow someone to bring joy to your life, a chance to make a difference in another's life.  There is always opportunity.  Where ever there is another person there is a chance to impact that person's day or even life.  The purpose of life is to LOVE; however our schedules eat up all our energy and time that often we are consumed by frustration, worry, anxiety, and loneliness instead.

       Before leaving for Haiti, we had a number of people say, "I wish I could do something like that".  You can.  You don't have to hop on a plane to do it though.  Just cross the street and help your elderly neighbour with her snow; go downtown and help the homeless man sitting outside Starbucks; stop and change that lady's tire for her, even though it will make you late.
       These are small gifts of love you can give to someone, often for free and with little sacrifice.  I challenge my friends and family to take this step.


  1. Good challenge Stacey!
    I have been thinking about that a lot, truly loving people. I want to do that where ever I end up, serving my neighbour, or even that person who I may not particularly enjoy being around. I am being challenged to serve and love the people that God puts into my life. And to serve with the homeless where ever I end up.
    BUT, God has also been working in my heart to take some time off in my life to do something like what you and Jer are doing... I really feel called to take a sabbatical, a leave of absence or even quit a job to take some time to serve in a place like India, Mexico, or Thailand for a few months to a year. God has transformed me through serving the homeless for a week at a time in Calgary, or my two weeks in Thailand back in the day. I feel Him calling me to take that step and allow Him to change me again soon.
    Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Mr. Baicque ... i am really impressed with all that you are doing on your mission trip. I have raised some money by collecting bottles and returning them to the depot. My parents also agreed to match everything i raised.

    It would be great if we could meet for a cup of hot chocolate over the holidays and i could give you the donation to your mission.

    Merry Christmas and God bless.
    Connor Lavin
