Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.
-George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Looking at the Immediate Future

Five years happens pretty fast.  You can earn a couple degrees, work a lot of hours and see many places.  If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll even complete your 5 year plan, which definitely included some of these criteria for us.  We certainly have grown together in half a decade of marriage, as we completed our education, gained valuable work experience and managed to stay somewhat cultured along the way.  Now on to the next step...
As part of our early years of marriage, it was always a valuable goal to complete our education as a means to prepare us for the work world of course, but our bigger dream of participating in global missions.  God gave both of us a very clear leading in our educational goals as we met, married and mapped out our future.  A teacher and a nurse are coveted positions in other parts of the world and we’ve really enjoyed working these jobs in Canada during the early stages of our careers. 
Edmonton is where we reside and work, but for the immediate future our home will be elsewhere.  On August 18th, 2011 we will be traveling to Haiti where we will serve for 4 months.  During our time, I (Jeremy) will be teaching English to a range of ages and Stacey will be tracking all medical records for the hundreds of students who attend the 4 schools run by the organization Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM).  These are our primary objectives but we will also be involved in teacher training, construction, community outreach and evangelism.  
After Christmas we will return home to eat Alberta beef and peanut butter all while enjoying a time of refreshment with friends and family.  Our journey will continue east this time, landing in Australia and making our way north through much of southeast Asia before arriving in Cambodia for another 4 months of intensive ministry at Place of Rescue.  This organization focuses on education and community as it provides relief and a home for destitute grandmothers and children with AIDS.  We will continue to work in educational and medical fields here.
The planning process for this second leg of our journey is still in the works, although Cambodia has been given the green light and will involve preparations even as we are in Haiti.  We desire to have a chunk of time to travel after Christmas but we will also be seeking smaller ministry opportunities in southeast Asia as we trek around.  Ultimately, we know that this down time will restore much of the energy we will expend and we will seek to strengthen our bond as a couple as God leads us during the time away from our longer periods with organizations. 
We have prepared our hearts for this year, knowing full well that this could disclose what is to come in our next 5 years, or even beyond.  To be able to extensively... travel and enjoy so much culture and creation appeals to our adventurous sides but our true passion lies ahead with the relationships we will form and the lasting impact that the words and actions of Jesus Christ will leave along the way.  We are extremely open to the possibility of a longer term somewhere and this series of intermediate-length opportunities to serve will really speak to our capacity to serve with clear minds and open hearts for an extended period of time.
ACOP and it’s Missions Director Jerry (and Brenda) Scheutz have been extremely supportive and encouraging during our seeking process.  We will be sent under the covering of this organization which has embraced our mission as couple and will help us in many tangible ways as we move around.  They will be kept up to date with all our activities and take care of paperwork back home.  They will handle any donations that are contributed to our mission, which can be done by check or credit card. 
The truth is that we are committed to this year no matter what the cost and have made preparations to do so as part our process of mapping this journey out.  Our desire is not to be in this alone and willing people have already asked where they can donate as one of their means of supporting us along the way.  The total cost of the ministry portion of our trip is projected at $9 000 - $11 000.  We will be classified as volunteers during all ministry times this year so thanks for your financial support if you choose to give this way.  
Truly, this mission would never be happening if not for the extreme grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.  So many people have poured into our lives as we’ve ministered and worked in Canada both as individuals and a couple and if not for the invitation to join short-term mission teams, supportive church groups and unite with people in prayer, we could have never dreamed that this would finally take place.  We are excited that this year could mean many more years of serving in global missions and we ask that you pray for open doors, obedience, safety and above all that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus everywhere we walk.  
Much love to you all, Jeremy and Stacey


  1. Stacey and Jeremy BacqueAugust 20, 2011 at 11:05 AM

    We are only now on our way to Haiti....first stop Fort Lauderdale, which I can only imagine is a direct opposite to Haiti......streets lined in countless restaurants, yachts lining the channels in front of the massive mansions near the ocean...... yes, Haiti will be very different.
