Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.
-George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

the unforeseen future

In just over a month, Jeremy and I are planning our departure around the world... unsure of the exact return.  Each announcement of our plans brought very different reactions....some excited, some skeptical....and although different, each reaction had one thing in common:  many questions.

I will attempt to answer a few of the questions best I know at this time.....  We plan to be in Haiti from August until December, and although we are expecting the worst, the worst might just exceed our expectations.  We expect to help change things for the better, but it might just turn out that we are the ones in fact changed for the better.  We both have a heart to help a hurting nation in the best ways we know how, and those ways will incorporate our skill...mine nursing, and Jeremy's teaching..... and although we know what those skill sets looks like in our comfortable country, it can be expected that those skills will look very different in a very different country.
From Haiti we plan to travel Australia and area, then Thailand/Cambodia area.....followed by staying in Cambodia for an extended amount of time (yet to be determined).  In Cambodia we expect to teach some English, and hope to get involved in some other areas.  We also have heard some sad things about this poor country, but have also heard how much it becomes a piece of you.  We then plan on finishing the trip with Europe....  We are very much looking forward to learning about new countries and culture, as well as experiencing things first hand.  We know there will be good days and bad days, great experiences and terrible experiences; but each day will mold us for the better... we won't come back the same.

So to sum it up, Jeremy and I don't have all the answers...there is still many details to figure out..... but one detail we did not fail to miss is that travelling is our dream and helping people is our passion, and the combination of the 2 could not be any better.

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